1 1 1 1 1 70%/5 (2 Votes)

Un invité murmure à sa voisine :

- Le champagne vous rend jolie.

- Mais, je n'en ai pas bu une seule coupe !

- Oui, mais moi, j'en suis à ma dixième ...


0 # security imageHeather 22-01-2008 20:33
Hello, on my website's blog section, in order to comment you must enter the letters in the security image. The security image is not showing up, making commenting impossible. Please help. Thank you.
0 # Alain 22-01-2008 21:14
please can you enter your request in the support forum (www.acgeorgette.net/.../) ?
there are also already requests and solutions for this problem in the forum...